ATTACK Wrestling
Kris Travis Tag Team Invitational Night 1
04 March 2017
Cathays Community Centre, Cardiff
1) Quarter Final: Bowl-a-Rama (Lloyd Katt & Splits McPins) beat CCK (Chris Brookes & Kid Lykos): This was a pretty big match to kick off, Bowl-a-Rama are the tag team champions whilst CCK are the big heel team in ATTACK. Splits broke his nose (or as Katt later joked "Broke his face") after diving face first into the ropes on the suicide dive. Despite this, the Champions advanced.
2) Quarter Final: The Models (Danny Hope & Joey Hayes) beat The Anti-Fun Police (Chief Deputy Dunne & Los Federales Santos Jr.): This was my first time seeing the Models and also the the debut of Los Federales Jr after Sr has gone onto better things. Los Federales was hilarious, screaming high pitch Spanish phrases, he even unintentionally ripped his pants. Despite being the ATTACK Champion, Dunne was eliminated in the first round.
3) Drewy Funk (Drew Parker) versu Elijah Dahl went to a no contest: Drew Parker is currently in a EC-DREW gimmick where he dresses up as ECW wrestlers, he did one of my favourites, Terry Funk whilst Dahl is on a mission to get rid of silly gimmicks in ATTACK. I didn't get to see most the match as they fought away from the ring. They then went onto the balcony section where Drew fell through four tables. That was the end of the match but Dahl continued the attack until Flash Morgan Webster made his return.
In the interval, the ATTACK 24:7 title currently held by a fan named Warren switched hands, a 6 month old baby made him tap. The heel referee Shay ruled that the title had to be returned to Warren because the baby couldn't be shown on the show.
4) Quarter Final: Bird and Boar (Mike Bird & Wild Boar) beat CJ Banks & Sam Bailey: I was unfamiliar with Banks and Bailey outside of their small appearance on the World of Sport special but they quickly assimilated in with the ATTACK culture and won over the fans. Despite being heel, Bird and Boar were also very entertaining and it's good to see them breaking out in other UK promotions. Banks called for beers after a WhatsUp and went to the back to get some, Bailey then fell the numbers. Banks turned back up after the match with beers but was to late.
5) Quarter Final: Project Lucha (El Ligero & Martin Kirby) beat FSU (Eddie Dennis & Mark Andrews): I believe Ligero is the most underrated guy in the UK indies, Andrews is one of the best whilst Kirby and Dennis are both capable of pulling out big performances, therefore, this was a worthy main event. Looks of quick action from all me with near falls all around. Project Lucha won which set them up as favourites to win the tournament.
ATTACK Wrestling
Kris Travis Tag Team Invitational Night 2
05 March 2017
Cathays Community Centre, Cardiff
1) Semi Final: Project Lucha (El Ligero & Martin Kirby) beat Bird and Boar (Mike Bird & Wild Boar): Both teams were very entertaining as they were in Night 1 and got the second night off to a great start. Some good back and forth wrestling with plenty of near falls and of course, a little bit of comedy too. Project Lucha won to advance to the final.
2) Semi Final: The Models (Danny Hope & Joey Hayes) beat Beer-a-Rama (CJ Banks & Lloyd Katt): Because Splits "broke his face" in Night 1, they did a Raffle (RAFFLE!) for his tag team partner. The winning ticket was 316 which led to CJ Banks coming out. Thanks to performance on the previous night, the fans took to him right away and led to duelling Beer and Bowling chants. The Models were not to be outdone and played to the comedy too, including a section where no one could move Katt's bowling ball, like it was Thor's hammer. The Models advanced which I wasn't too pleased about at first (more on that later).
3) Kid Lykos beat Mark Andrews: With the finals set, there was extra non tournament matches. The first was a straight up high flying showdown. There wasn't a lot of comedy but there was some great wrestling. Mandrews made Lykos look great and put him over in dusty fashion. From a pure wrestling standpoint, this was probably the best of the weekend.
4) Morgan Webster beat Elijah Dahl: This was Flash's in ring return to ATTACK after many months away. Webster managed to get revenge for the likes of Poppa Sunflower, Love Making Demon and Ravin' Danny Jones by beating Dahl with a little help from Drew Parker.
In the interval, there was a massive raffle (RAFFLE!). One of the prizes was a photo with the ATTACK! 24:7 Champion Warren. A fan named Luke won which led to a Luke chokeslaming Warren to take the title. Heel referee Shay took the title off Luke and passed it back to Warren claiming they couldn't show Luke on the show.
ATTACK Champion, Chief Deputy Dunne made his way out with the hilarious Los Federales Santos Jr and said no man can beat him. Leading rather obviously to Nixon Newell showing up and laying down the challenge.
5) ATTACK! Title Match: Chief Deputy Dunne beat Nixon Newell: There's been rumours of Nixon signing the WWE for the last few months and it seems like she is finishing up but there is some uncertainty. This was a good straight up fight with Nixon looking like she was going to detrhone the new champion. Some shady tactics led to Dunne retaining.
6) Brendan White defeats Danny Jones and Drew Parker and Sam Bailey: Drew was dressed up as Rhino tonight. This was a welcome come-down from the previous matches just before the main event. There was some good multi-man spots. Drew injured his ankle late and Brendan got the feelgood win.
7) Finals: Project Lucha (El Ligero & Martin Kirby) defeat The Models (Danny Hope & Joey Hayes): I was a little bit confused as to why the Models made the finals, they put in good performances but I expected a regular team to face Project Lucha in the finals. Possibly Splits' injury changed that but then the Models went ahead and shut me up. It's impossible to describe this match, I bet it won't even translate onto the DVD, it was just fun, pure fun. There was hardly any wrestling in the first 20 minutes of the match, just four blokes messing around. There was dance contests, taunt-offs, a chicken fight and even a call back to one of Kris' most memorable matches in ATTACK when he faces Martin Kirby and stuck a plunger to his head. The heel referee eventually had enough and called the match a no contest, declaring himself the winner. The new fan favourite of ATTACK, CJ Banks turned up an hit a stunner on the referee. He pulled out his own referee shirt (which was too small) and took over as ref (even if he did go for a crowd surf during the match). Project Lucha won the match, honestly, I don't know if I'll ever laugh so much at a match ever again.
The wrestlers then came out and surrounded the win. Even though they lost, Danny Hope said heartfelt few words about Kris and thanked Mark Andrews for bringing everyone together. Amazing end to a brilliant weekend.
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